~ An Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal ~
Submission Guidelines
Authors are advised to carefully see and follow the instructions and guidelines without fail before submission of papers.
1. Papers and articles must be submitted within the deadline
2. Papers sent before the announcement of Call for Papers and after the Deadline will not be considered for publication
3. Authors are also advised to strictly follow the Chicago Author-Date Style for in-text citations & notes and references
4. All contributions must be sent through: submission2inclusive@gmail.com Personal submission using any other E-Mail address is not accepted
5. Authors are required to conduct plagiarism verification by himself/herself. Plagiarism verification report only by URKUND or TURNITIN software is accepted. Authors are asked to send the original scanned plagiarism verification report in times of paper submission
6. Processing fee of Rs. 1500.00 (non-refundable) is to be paid after paper-submission only through bank transactions by online/net banking.
7. Processing fee is non-refundable and authors are informed again that payment of processing fee does not ensure publication in the journal
8. Contact the email address given here for bank details after successful submission of paper: inclusivejournal2022@gmail.com
9. Payment of processing fee (non-refundable) does not ensure any claim of the author for publication. Papers are selected for publication only on the basis of merit, review report, importance/relevance of the topic and writing skill.
10. All contributions must be original, not published elsewhere and cannot be sent to other journals simultaneously.
11. Full-length academic papers should be in 4000-4500 words including notes & references. Commentary & Perspective should be in 2000-2500 words including notes & references. Book review should be within 2000 words. Word limits should be strictly followed.
12. Survey reports and field work reports are not considered for publication.
13. Contributors are specifically asked not to furnish tables, diagrams and charts.
14. Contributions without page mark must be submitted in MS-Word (.docx), Font must be Times New Roman, Font Size 12 pt., Line Spacing 1.5, Paragraph Spacing 0 pt (before paragraph) & 6pt (after paragraph). Page margin must be 15mm. (0.59") on all four sides.
15. All citations must follow the Chicago Author-Date Style (this is mandatory). There will be no footnotes at the end of each page. The end-note must be with the caption "Notes and References".
16. In the text, do not write �%� or �percent�, write �per cent�.
17. Spell the words in British style.
18. Use single quotation mark to quote a sentence or statement. Use double quotation mark only when you need to quote a statement or expression within a sentence with single quotation mark.
19. Author’s Name, Designation, E-Mail Address and Contact number must be furnished at the end of the paper.
20. The Editor reserves the right to reject any article and reserves the right to publish a contribution in some later editions of the journal.
21. If required, contributors will be asked to provide hard copies of their papers/articles/essays. Authors are again asked to follow the Chicago Author-Date Style for notes and references. Any other style for notes and references will not be accepted. A brief guide on the Chicago Author-Date Style is available here: http://davidson.libguides.com/c.php?g=349327&p=2357431
22. Articles & essays will not be publish on the ground of author's misbehaviour, undesirable words and pressure for publication.
23. Authors are strictly asked not to make any deposit or payment without prior approval/permission from Inclusive. Unsolicited deposits are strictly prohibited.