Date: 17.3.24
For July-August 2024 Edition
INCLUSIVE (multi-disciplinary social science and humanities) is an open access bi-annual peer reviewed international E-Journal. We invite academics, scholars and students from all over the world to contribute articles, essays and original research works based on the topics mentioned below:
Articles, commentaries and essays are invited on the following topics –
- Literature and society
- Election and democracy in India
- Constitution and the politics of citizenship
- Unemployment and migration
- Politics of protest
- Peasant movements in India
- Urban poor
- New Education Policy in India
- Financial inclusion or popular politics
- Partition and trauma
- Animal rights
- Bio-diversity
- Genocide
- Culture of silence
- G-20 and global politics
- India, China and Pakistan
- South Asia
- Ukraine, NATO and Russia
- Development and Environment
- Environmental refugees
- Climate change
- Natural disasters and politics
- Politics and political ideology
- Human right
- Women and politics
- Child and world literature
- Women and literature
- Fiction and social realities
- Women, sports and modernity
- Understanding India’s past
- Social justice movements and Indian politics
- Identity politics
- Terror and the postcolonial
- Political violence
- Ethnic conflicts in North-East India
- Corruption and the political class
- Counter public sphere
- Virtual public sphere
- Social media
- Politics and post-truth
- Memory: Academic history vs. Popular history
- Sustainable Development
- Labour and employment
- Human development
- Psychology of violence
- War and literature
- City and the migrants
Guidelines and Instructions
Priority will be given to the topics specified above. However, some papers may be considered for publication on the basis of merit, importance of the topic and author’s writing ability. Decision of the editor and reviewers on matters of publications is final.
- Deadline for submission: 26.5.2024
Book reviews and Commentaries are also invited. Preference will be given to the Books (for Reviews) published not before 2020.
In-text citations must have year of publication and page no.
As per INCLUSIVE’s Peer Review Policy, papers will be selected only after double-blind Peer Review.
Contributors are required to carefully check and follow the instructions and guidelines without fail before submission of papers.
Authors are advised not to send or insist on paying the processing fee without permission.
Papers and articles must be submitted within the deadline.
It should be noted that papers submitted before the Announcement of Call for Papers and after the Deadline will not be considered for review leading to publication. They are also advised to strictly follow the Chicago Author-Date Style for in-text citations & notes and references.
All in-text citations should be entered in Bold Letters.
An article should not have more than two authors.
Authors are requested to conduct check/verify plagiarism by himself/herself. Plagiarism Verification Report only by URKUND or TURNITIN or UGC/University approved software will be accepted. Authors are asked to send the original scanned plagiarism verification report in times of paper submission.
A processing fee of Rs. 1500.00 (non-refundable) is to be paid through bank transactions. Procedure of payment will be informed after submission of paper. However, obtaining prior approval from the journal authority is mandatory before depositing the processing fee.
Any deposit without prior approval is not allowed.
Publication in INCLUSIVE is not guided by payment of processing fees. Hence, authors are alerted that many papers submitted in previous editions were rejected due to plagiarism, duplication, poor writing and non-compliance with the clearly stated ethical guidelines and instructions.
Payment of processing fee (non-refundable) does not ensure any claim of the author for publication. Following the UGC’s emphasis on ethical policy papers will be judged for publication on the basis of merit, importance/relevance of the topic and writing ability.
Important Instructions:
- Deadline for submission: 26.5.24
- All contributions must be original, not published elsewhere and cannot be sent to other journals simultaneously.
- Full-length academic papers should be in 4000-4200 words including notes & references. Commentary & Perspective should be in 2000-2500 words including notes & references. Book review should be within 2000 words. Word limits should be strictly followed.
- Survey reports and field work reports are not considered for publication.
- Contributors are specifically asked not to furnish tables, diagrams and charts, overview of literature, objectives of the study, hypothesis, research questions, etc
- Contributions without page mark must be submitted in MS-Word (.docx), Font must be Times New Roman, Font Size 12 pt., Line Spacing 1.5, Paragraph Spacing 0 pt (before paragraph) & 6pt (after paragraph). Page margin must be 15mm. (0.59") on all four sides. All citations must follow the Chicago Author-Date Style (this is mandatory). There will be no footnotes at the end of each page. The end-note must be with the caption "Notes".
- In the text, do not write �%� or �percent�, write �per cent�.
- Spell the words in British style.
- Use single quotation mark to quote a sentence or statement. Use double quotation mark only when you need to quote a statement or expression within a sentence with single quotation mark.
- Author’s Name, Designation, E-Mail Address and Contact no must be furnished (mandatory) at the end of the paper.
- Decisions of the Editor and Editorial Board regarding publications are final.
- If required, contributors will be asked to provide hard copies of their papers/articles/essays.
- Authors are again asked to follow the Chicago Author-Date Style for notes and references. Any other style for notes and references will be rejected.
- A brief guide on the Chicago Author-Date Style is available here: Browsing the archive may help understand the Chicago Author-Date Style.